
Winter blues / Tristeza invernal

Beginning of February feels cold, sad, bad news, credit crunch, boring days in, just a waiting game for better days...who needs February? So, here you have a great antidote for the winter blues, a good old argument (one day people will pay for them).

Los Principios de Febrero son fríos, tristes, malas noticias, crisis, días aburridos en casa, esperando mejores tiempos... Quien necesita un Febrero? Así que mientras el tiempo pasa, no hay nada mejor para atacar la tristeza invernal que una buena discusión (algún día la gente pagara por ello).


How to keep up / Como estar al dia

The Internet is generating all this new terminology that we all suppose to know what it means and how it works, despite that no one has ever explained to us. Yes, the Internet is an universe for discovery but a compass every now and then would be much appreciated.

Here is one: http://dotsub.com/view/69aa48a4-a95f-4bc8-a511-bb0a1ee95e12;jsessionid=th7vb3n2m3e7

So basically go to the right of this page, click on Subscribe To, select what ever home page you normally use ie. Google, and from now on you will have a short update of this blog on your Google home page.

Internet es una fuente inagotable de nuevos términos que todos pretendemos conocer y saber como funcionan, a pesar de que nadie nunca nos lo haya explicado. Internet es un universo por descubrir, pero una brújula de vez en cuando nos iría bien.

Este video explica lo que es el RSS, básicamente tienes que 1- hacer click en la columna de la derecha donde dice “Subscribe To” 2-escoger tu página principal habitual, por ejemplo Google y suponiendo que tengas una cuenta en Google (es gratis) un resumen de los últimos post de este blog aparecerá en tu página principal.Podeis ver el video subtitulado al castellano, solo teneis que escoger el idioma deseado en la casilla debajo del video. (foto)


Jim Jarmusch

I havent seen many of his movies (again) but this guy is interesting.
He is a director, writer, actor, composer, producer... anything to do with films. I remember "Dead Man" with Johnny Deep, but what made me bring him in to this blog is his "Manifesto" about film making

Jim Jarmusch
by Jim Jarmusch. January 22, 2004

Rule #1: There are no rules. There are as many ways to make a film as there are potential filmmakers. It’s an open form. Anyway, I would personally never presume to tell anyone else what to do or how to do anything. To me that’s like telling someone else what their religious beliefs should be. Fuck that. That’s against my personal philosophy—more of a code than a set of “rules.” Therefore, disregard the “rules” you are presently reading, and instead consider them to be merely notes to myself. One should make one’s own “notes” because there is no one way to do anything. If anyone tells you there is only one way, their way, get as far away from them as possible, both physically and philosophically.

Rule #2: Don’t let the fuckers get ya. They can either help you, or not help you, but they can’t stop you. People who finance films, distribute films, promote films and exhibit films are not filmmakers. They are not interested in letting filmmakers define and dictate the way they do their business, so filmmakers should have no interest in allowing them to dictate the way a film is made. Carry a gun if necessary.
Also, avoid sycophants at all costs. There are always people around who only want to be involved in filmmaking to get rich, get famous, or get laid. Generally, they know as much about filmmaking as George W. Bush knows about hand-to-hand combat.

Rule #3: The production is there to serve the film. The film is not there to serve the production. Unfortunately, in the world of filmmaking this is almost universally backwards. The film is not being made to serve the budget, the schedule, or the resumes of those involved. Filmmakers who don’t understand this should be hung from their ankles and asked why the sky appears to be upside down.

Rule #4: Filmmaking is a collaborative process. You get the chance to work with others whose minds and ideas may be stronger than your own. Make sure they remain focused on their own function and not someone else’s job, or you’ll have a big mess. But treat all collaborators as equals and with respect. A production assistant who is holding back traffic so the crew can get a shot is no less important than the actors in the scene, the director of photography, the production designer or the director. Hierarchy is for those whose egos are inflated or out of control, or for people in the military. Those with whom you choose to collaborate, if you make good choices, can elevate the quality and content of your film to a much higher plane than any one mind could imagine on its own. If you don’t want to work with other people, go paint a painting or write a book. (And if you want to be a fucking dictator, I guess these days you just have to go into politics...).

Rule #5: Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery—celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to.”


The world’s first user generated feature film


I haven’t seen it yet, I just saw the trailer here.
It brought back a mix of images into my head of Monty Python and the Holy Grail meets Trainspotting, meets Little Britain, meets About a boy. It could be my kind of movie, no too much thinking, no too much blood, and no fairytales. Right now I just want a movie that makes me smile and I will be a happy costumer.
The other interesting thing about this movie is the way it has been created, produced and distributed. I like the idea of cutting off the middle man.

The movie, launched today with a series of free screenings, was produced with contributions from users of the social networking website Myspace.
While it features a number of seasoned actors, including Trainspotting's Ewen Bremner and Tim Healy from Auf Wiedersehen, Pet, MySpacers were invited to post short films to pitch for the job of director.
The entries were scrutinised by a panel of judges including the actor Sienna Miller to produce a shortlist, from which MySpacers chose first-time director Vito Rocco.
Site users were also asked to post videos auditioning for eight lead and supporting roles, and parts of the script were put up on the site for discussion and suggestions.


Disfruta la vida / Enjoy your life

El famoso autobús ateo está dando muchas vueltas, Londres, Barcelona, Reus, Granada…
Así que he decidido echar un vistazo a otros mensajes que recibimos sobre Dios. Puedes crear tus propios mensajes aqui.

The atheist bus is been running everywhere, London, Barcelona, Reus, Granada... So I decided to have a look to other messages that we get regarding God. If you want to create your own click here.


No mas ratones / No more mouses

g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

Me encantaría editar mis videos utilizando este sistema, igualito que Tom Cruise en Minority report, aunque pensándolo mejor, parecería un guardia urbano de los de antes, todo el día moviendo los brazos o una azafata de Iberia dando las instrucciones en caso de emergencia...

I would love to edit my videos using this system, like Tom Cruise in Minority report, although I would look like an old traffic officer, all day moving my arms, or a stewardess giving the instructions in case of emergency...


El interés supremo del menor / Best interests of the child

Quizás sea que llevo 6 días sin fumar (hurra!!) o quizás sean las ultimas noticias que he leído aquí en Bournemouth, o quizás sea lo que están pasando amigos y familiares míos siendo chantajeados una semana sí y la siguiente también (con el beneplácito de las autoridades “competentes”). Sea por lo que sea, a llegado el momento de decir basta!. Custodia compartida ya!
Como podemos mirar hacia otro lado, mientras miles de hijos crecen en familias monoparentales privados de ver a sus padres por el supuesto “interés supremo del menor”?. Como puede ser el “interés supremo del menor” quedarse huérfano de padre?
No voy a llenar esta página de estudios y estadísticas, hagan su propia investigación y saquen sus propias conclusiones, pero recuerden que el 80% de los reclusos en prisiones americanas crecieron en familias monoparentales, que los hijos que crecen en familias monoparentales tienen más riesgo de experimentar con drogas, cometer crímenes y no finalizar sus estudios. Todo por el interés supremo del menor.

Perhaps it is that I have been 6 days without smoking (hurray) or perhaps is the last news that I have read here in Bournemouth, or perhaps is because some friends and family are being blackmailed and accused falsely week in week out (with the approval of “the competent” authorities). Whatever the reason might be, the moment has arrived to say enough is enough. shared parenting now!!!
How can we look away when thousands of children are not allowed to see their fathers for the best interests of the child? I’m not going to fill this page with studies and statistics, do your own research and and take your own conclusions, but remember that 80% of the inmates in American prisons grew up in single parent families, children who grow in single parent families have more risk of experimenting with drugs, to commit crimes and not to finalize their studies. Everything for “the best interests of the child”.


Predictably Irrational

When we make decisions we think we're in control, making rational choices. But are we? Entertaining and surprising, Dan Ariely, Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke University, unmasks the subtle but powerful tricks that our minds play on us. Predictably Irrational, is Dans' attempt to take research findings in behavioral economics and describe them in non academic terms so that more people will learn about this type of research, discover the excitement of this field, and possibly use some of the insights to enrich their own lives.

Dan Ariely, profesor de psicología del consumo en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (el prestigioso MIT), emplea todas las herramientas de su disciplina, una novedosa rama de la economía conductual, para explicar de un modo tan riguroso como ameno por qué somos tan previsiblemente irracionales a la hora de tomar numerosas decisiones en nuestra vida.

Podeis ver una entrevista de Eduard Punset a Dan Ariley para el programa redes aqui


El Blog Ausente

No voy a desvelar la identidad del tipo de la foto, solo puedo deciros que es un amiguete de gamberradas quinceañeras. 25 años atrás ya se le adivinaban extensos y extraños conocimientos sobre películas de serie “B”, comics basura, música underground, héroes muertos y otras culturas del retrete. Después de perderle de vista durante más de una década, le descubrí rambleando ausente por Barcelona. No ha cambiado, incluso sigue siendo fiel aficionado a cierto equipo blanquiazul de la ciudad Condal. Ahora además de trabajar para mantener a su creciente familia, tiene un programa de radio, un blog y otras colaboraciones varias con personajes de su calaña. Qué pena, con lo que prometía el chaval…
Lord absence

Independientemente de los gustos personales de cada uno, nadie le podrá negar originalidad a El Blog Ausente. Con justicia propia de este extraño siglo XXI, se hizo con el Galardón de 2008 de Evento Blog en el apartado cultural. Conviene apresurarse a decir que no estamos ante una bitácora de altos vuelos literarios o filosóficos. Al contrario, el blog se mueve en el entramado, siempre lleno de sorpresas, de cierta contracultura pop y afterpop, muy visual y entregada al poder fascinador de la imagen. Signo de los nuevos tiempos... El pais JOSEP M. SARRIEGUI 22/01/2009

This is the blog of a friend of mine from Barcelona. He has won an award as the best cultural blog 2008. Sorry guys but is in Spanish only, about time you learn some!!


Yes we can / Si podemos

Despues de 30 años fumando he decidido intentar dejar de fumar.
After 30 years smoking, I decided to try quitting.
Any similarities between me and the guy in the picture, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.

Llevo 46 horas, 37 minutos y 15 segundos sin fumar...
I have been 46 hours, 37 minutes and 20 seconds without smoking ...

Obama...can we?


Si, podemos. Video musical / Yes, we can. Music clip.


Bush despues de unos vinitos / Bush is drinking again.


Yo quiero esta / I want that one!

Aun no sabemos el precio ni cuando saldrá a la venta, pero con un poco de suerte lo darán a conocer antes de Junio (mi cumpleaños) así que no se preocupen, empiecen a ahorrar y ya les daré mi dirección para que puedan mandármela. Gracias.

The price and availability of the gesture-controlled Hitachi haven’t been revealed yet. Hopefuly they will let us know before June (my birthday) so please do not panic, you have plenty of time to save some money and send it to me. Thank you.


Tim Clague

Tim es un cineasta amigo de Bournemouth. Ha recibido varios premios y está siempre buscando nuevas ideas para hacer nuevos proyectos. Aqui podeis ver varios de sus cortos, los dos primeros son sin palabras, disfrutenlo!

Tim Clague is from Bournemouth and is one of those characters that when you pop into them can't help but to talk about film making, projects, festivals etc. In fact, he can't talk about anything else. A 5 minutes conversation with him will inspire you at least 3 projects, guarantied. He is an award winning director, BAFTA nominated as a writer, with an approach that involves collecting visual styles from a variety of different media. He is passionate about shorts with each new project seen as an opportunity to explore new technologies and new techniques gathered from a variety of influences.

Some examples of Tims' busy head:
After a short break Mr Vista is back. If you don't know (and why should you) this is a short viral-style set of shorts comedy sketches created by Tim Clague.

This is one of my favorites old episodes

and this is his latest Christmas message, great stuff!

If you want to know more about Tim (and you should) click here and here


Esto es lo que se publicaba en las páginas de "La Vanguardia el día en que nací. No creo que esta entrada sirva de mucho a la mayoría, pero al menos sabéis que día tenéis que mandarme los regalos.

This is what the main news paper from Catalunya "La Vanguardia" published the day I was born. I don't think this entry will be of much use to anyone, but at least you know when to send me the presents.

Aqui puedes consultar la hemeroteca de "La Vanguardia" desde 1881
You can have a look at any day in "La Vanguardia" since 1881 here


Zoom Zoom Zoom

Con Google earth se puede ahora acceder al Museo del Prado y ampliar al máximo algunas de sus obras maestras, con una resolución de 14.ooo millones de pixeles.
Now with Google earth you can access to the Museo del Prado and zoom into its masterpieces with a resolution of 14000 millions of pixels.

Este es el video de como se hicieron las fotografías de alta resolución
This video is the making off the high resolution pictures


Happy Birthday carinyo



Ferrari presenta su nuevo coche para el 2009
New 2009 Ferrari

Y los nuevos airbags
And the new airbags

Ya tengo ganas de que empiece el campeonato.
I can't wait for the championship to start.