

I found those pictures on a Russian site (I think is Russian) http://2photo.ru/2008/09/24/fotograf_pod_nikom_alcove.html
I like them very much. They use a photoshop technique call HDR (High dynamic range)that produces those effects, half photos, half paintings, half illustration... I would like to know what is that website about, any one speaks Russian? Madenaaaaa!


Night shoot

Martin has been working in a personal project, shooting at night (with a little help from his friends). Those are the results of his first 2 experiments. He used different cameras, lens, format and techniques. It is surprising that the picture on the left, more dreamy and dark, was shot with a digital camera and the one on the right, more bright and realistic was shot using film, medium format. We often blame digital for been too realistic, too sharp and we blame film for been too grainy, too dark. Somehow Martin managed to acquire the opposite effect with this 2 formats. Knowing Martin, he will be going back to this spot a few times until he gets exactly what he has in his imagination, until his pictures transmit without doubts (in his mind) what he wants.
For me, to follow his experiment is a journey to a memory of blurred, sexual, dark forms and the reality of sharp, bright, impossible landscapes. We'll be watching.



Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Penelope Cruz can get an Oscar tonight, she plays a neurotic Spanish artist in the latest Woody Allen movie. Playing this role was not a big challenge for Penelope, Spain is full of neurotic people and crazy artists and she grew up there (so did I).So I don't think she deserves the Oscar, unless we judge her for her looks, if so, she deserves 3 Oscars. The Movie:
Woody Allen with 3 of the most sexy actors, a good script and a great background (Barcelona) managed to ruin this movie, by using an horrific voice over that destroys the basics of any movie, one guitar song that seems to be the same during the 96 minutes and worse of all a bad structure of the film, taking nearly half of the movie to introduce the irrelevant characters, and rushing trough the interesting ones, without giving us the chance to get to know them.
Watch it without the voice over or "watch it" without the visuals.

Jamon, Jamon (1992). Want to see a hilarious but serious satirical film that mixes and makes superior use of eroticism, surrealism, gross out scenes, and a fantastic music score ? Look no further than these 90 minutes. A Tale of Ham and Passion. This is the one to watch with Penelope Cruz and Bardem and directed by Bigas Luna.

2am update
Well... she did, she won the oscar for the best
Actress in a Supporting Role, which shows: what do I know about films or that they owe her two more oscars for her looks.


Los Chichos

Watching things like this at early age, can scar you for life... and it did.

Ver videos como este a una edad temprana, te puede marcar para toda la vida.


Have a go here
Pruebalo tu mismo aqui


200 years ago

Abrham Lincon and Charles Darwin,
Both were born 200 years ago.

200 years later...

Picture this, a fantastic Blog



Martin at work

Martin and I went out for a night shooting,
enjoyed every minute of it.

Can't wait to see Martin's pictures.


Lux Interior

Lux Interior, the singer, songwriter and founding member of the pioneering New York City punk band The Cramps, died Tuesday. He was 60.

"Surfin' Bird", my favorite song from The Cramps. I use to play it when driving, I'm sure it had a lot to do with a few of my car accidents. This song was originally played by "The Trashmen" in 1964, and was also covered by The Ramones. Here you can listen both covers, The Cramps cover is my favorite by far. I felt in love with the lyrics:
well everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! well everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! don't you know about the bird ? well everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! yeah! well everybody's heard, about the bird! na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na everybody's heard, about the bird! na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! don't you know about the bird? well everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! yeah! surfin' bird!!!! well everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! well everybody's heard, about the bird! yeah everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na don't you know about the bird? well everybody's heard, about the bird! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! bird bird bird, the bird is the word! go!! (claps) aaaaaaaaaaaggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the bird! everybody's heard, about the ... bird! yeah!!! everybody's heard, about the bird! every body's heard 'bout... bird!

Killing creativity / Matando la creatividad


Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

Sir Ken Robinson was born in Liverpool 4 March 1950. He gained his PhD in 1981 from the University of London for research into drama and theatre in education. His first book, Learning Through Drama, was the result of a three year national development project for the Schools Council, Heinemann 1977. He was principal author of The Arts in Schools: Principles, Practice and Provision, the report of a national inquiry 1982 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. This is now established as a key text on arts and education in Britain and internationally. He was editor of The Arts and Higher Education, 1984 Gulbenkian and the Leverhulme Trust, and principal writer for the Department of Education and Science of The Arts in Further Education published in 1986... Wikipedia here.


Fenomenos Extraños / Strange Phenomenon

Dear readers, the following is an actual event which happened tonight in my garden. Around 9pm I went out looking for the cat...
Queridos lectores, lo que les voy a relatar es un hecho verídico ocurrido esta noche en mi jardín. Acerca de las 9horas he salido a buscar al gato...

Suddenly I fund this mysterious shapes, somehow engraved in the snow. Were they angels? They certainly look like angels. Perhaps designed by aliens trying to send us a message of world peace?
De repente he encontrado estas formas misteriosas, que de alguna manera quedaron grabadas en la nieve. Son ángeles? Ciertamente parecen ángeles, quizás diseñados por extraterrestres intentando mandar un mensaje de paz al planeta Tierra?

What is it with the snow that makes people do the most silly things, like trowing themselves down a mountain, or trowing snow balls to each other? They are just like kids.
Que tendrá la nieve que hace a la gente hacer cosas tan tontas como, lanzarse cuesta abajo por una montana o lanzarse bolas de nieve unos a otros? Son como crios...