Lluís Brú i Salelles (Ondara, 1868 - Barcelona, 1952). Mosaïcista i escenògraf modernista. Està considerat com el realitzador de tessel·les mes important de la Barcelona del modernisme.
Fill i net de pintors va desenvolupar des de nen les seves habilitats artístiques com a dibuixant. Traslladat a Barcelona molt jove, serà a aquesta ciutat a on posa taller i a on hi ha la major part de la seva obra.
Lluís Brú va ser molt reconegut a la seva època i va guanyar la medalla de l'Exposició Internacional d'Art de Barcelona l'any 1911 amb una llar de foc que representava a Sant Jordi dret sobre el cos del drac mort, dibuixat per l’artista Josep Triadó. Aquell mateix any, repeteix tema i artísta a la Casa Barbey, en aquest cas, amb el Sant Jordi a cavall. El 1925 rep la Medalla d'Or a l'Exposició Internacional de les arts decoratives de París.
Lluís Brú i Salelles (Ondara, 1868 - Barcelona, 1952).
Born in Ondara, Valencia in 1868. His grandfather and father were both painters, and perhaps in an effort to continue the family tradition Lluís Brú developed his artistic sensibilities at early age. He moved to Barcelona while still a child.
Born in Ondara, Valencia in 1868. His grandfather and father were both painters, and perhaps in an effort to continue the family tradition Lluís Brú developed his artistic sensibilities at early age. He moved to Barcelona while still a child.
His work as a mosaicist: The art of mosaic was the activity to which Brú dedicated the most attention. By 1900 he had already made contacts with Lluís Domènech i Montaner, and it appears that it was this architect who directed Brú into creating mosaics. In 1904, he travelled to Italy to be trained in mosaic technique.During the Art Nouveau period, Brú spent most of his time completing orders commissioned by great architects and destined for their important buildings mentioned above.
Brú’s work enjoyed such wide recognition during this period that his activities extended not only to the aforementioned luxurious buildings, but also to factories, shops, and private homes, in a process that widened the diffusion of the art of mosaic as a decorative element.In 1911, Lluís Brú won a first-place medal at the International Art Exposition in Barcelona with a fireplace that represented St. George, designed by artist Josep Triadó. At the International Exposition of the Decorative Arts held in Paris in 1925, he won the Gold Medal for his fountain covered with mosaics. The Palau de la Música Catalana was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with Hospital de Sant Pau.
Tambeeee és mi Bisabuelito. Molt bé pel publireportatge.